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Vixen Lyrics

Vixen Lyrics is dedicated to providing the perfect words to create the perfect song. Vixen Lyrics prides on its creativity and love for music and stands on the belief that they can and will provide quality music. From now until March, Vixen Lyrics has deals on all your writing needs. Relax your mind and let the Vixens lead your next big hit to the charts! 

Choice A: Verse

List As Follows:​

Verse (Only) ................................  $50.00
Verse + Verse .............................  $75.00
V1 + V2 + v3 ................................  $100.00


Chorus .....................................  $50.00

Choice B: Chorus

​List As Follows:​

Choice C: Combinations

​List As Follows:​

Verse + Chorus ...........................  $75.00
V1 + V2 + Chorus ........................  $100.00
V1 + V2 + V3 + CH .......................  $120.00


To Submit For Work:
Do As Follows:

Create an email with the 'Subject' "Write For Me". In the body of of the email provide your name, age, and choice selection. Send the email to and provide 2 days for a response. You may also fill out the form on the contact page.

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